Etiquette for Youth
Class Structure
Our classes are 2 hrs. of interactive learning, and requires students to engage, practice, and articulate the lessons being taught. The Youth Etiquette and Cotillion Class has 2 levels that each last for 8-weeks with classes meeting on a bi-weekly basis. Students will experience etiquette focused activities, games, assessments and visual training's that will culminate in each demonstrating learned dining and social etiquette skills in an elegant five-course meal. The meal will include a formal dining setting, requires proper attire, and offers a fine dining experience wherein the ambiance will be set for each student to showcase and identify key information from each lesson. At the end of Level II, there will be an end of course graduation and Grand Finale Ball!
Level I
Proper Introductions
Shaking Hands
Dressing for success
Table Manners: Rules of the table
How to eat different types of food
How to walk, sit & stand with confidence
American & Continental dining
Proper use of utensils & place settings
Respect & Courtesy
Netiquette – Phone & Social Media etiquette
Thank You Notes
Level II
Confidence: Walking through modeling
The art of introductions
Hygiene: Hair, Skin & Self Care
Grooming: Wardrobe & basic fashion knowledge
Savvy Communication: Social media, resumes & cover letters
Speaking to win
Game & locker room etiquette
Advance table manner

Empower your young man or lady to move into the next phase of life. Youth Etiquette Classes are uniquely designed to equip young adults to be able to thrive in a vast array of social settings. We keep our class sizes at 10 - 15 students to offer focused personalized attention for your young adult.
Parents are encouraged to come join their child in the elegant five-course meal class culmination!
Youth Etiquette Classes: Level I are $625.00 per student
Youth Etiquette Classes: Level II are $675.00 per student
Family Rate (enrollment of 2+ children) for Level I: $600 per student
Family Rate (enrollment of 2+ children) for Level II: $625 per student
The cost per parent and/or adult is $65 or $110 per couple for the dinner and Ball
Ask about our Custom In Home Etiquette Program